Beauty is being comfortable
and confident it in your own body
Explore Istanbul
We are the locomotive of health tourism in Turkey.
Our first objective is to provide you with the best possible health, attractiveness, and comfort for both your body and spirit.
Medical Second Opinion Form
If you wish, we can help you with a second doctor's opinion on issues such as the results of your examinations, the diagnosis of your disease and the treatment options we offer you.
Price Request Form
You can request a price for special treatment and services.
Treatments by Affiliated Partners
Join our family, like our customers, how to make you feel comfortable and happy.
Necessary Inventions
Consultation with Specialist
VIP Airport & Hotel Transfers
Pre-Operation Examinations
General Anesthasia
If you wish, we can help you with a second doctor's opinion on issues such as the results of
Medicines & Medical Kit
Why Turkey
In general, surgeries in Turkey can be up to 90 per cent cheaper, and 67 per cent of those who travel abroad take advantage of this for its private hospital treatment. That speaks a lot about how affordable our medical offers are.
TOP 17
One of the top 17 popular countries for medical tourism today!
foreigners visited Turkey just to take advantage of their excellent medical treatment and care services in 2018!
of the country's patients are medical tourists!
Up to 90% cheaper surgeries than other countries in the world!
ARTMED is built on flexibility, positive values, and overall positive experience, while delivering trustworthy, high successful medical services!
We call you
Collaborating with the best doctors in
Affiliated Partners
Collaborating with the best doctors in Turkey, while using the most advanced technologies to deliver best results for our patients!
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