Medical Tourism in Turkey
Turkey is your medical destionation and only a short plane rides away.

Turkey is one of the world’s pioneers in health tourism. An ever-increasing number of foreign patients come here to treat sicknesses. The public authority is effectively creating wellbeing in the travel industry, wanting to get 2 million patients from different nations in 2023. Huge victories have effectively been accomplished toward this path and more than 1 million foreign patients visited Turkish clinics during 2021.

Important reasons for choosing Turkish hospitals:

  • World-class quality services
  • Lower prices
  • Number of accredited health institutions Short standby time
  • Infrastructure
  • Hospitality
  • Rich cultural heritage
Why Turkey
In general, surgeries in Turkey can be up to 90 per cent cheaper, and 67 per cent of those who travel abroad take advantage of this for its private hospital treatment. That speaks a lot about how affordable our medical offers are.
TOP 17
One of the top 17 popular countries for medical tourism today!
foreigners visited Turkey just to take advantage of their excellent medical treatment and care services in 2018!
of the country's patients are medical tourists!
Up to 90% cheaper surgeries than other countries in the world!
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