Exchange of Refractive Lenses
One of the eye procedures performed on patients who have refractive problems and have trouble seeing far away or up close is refractive lens replacement. It is often meant for seniors who must wear lenses and glasses. For those who have problems with their near or far vision, refractive lens exchange is an option. It is one of the best options available for those who cannot undergo laser eye surgery like PRK or LASIK.
Although it is performed on patients who do not have cataract disease, refractive lens exchange is nearly identical to cataract surgery. Both procedures follow the same procedure. In cataract surgery, the lens that creates the distorted vision is removed, which is the only difference between that and the refractive lens replacement. Glasses or contact lenses are not required with refractive lens replacement.
What are the Advantages of Refractive Lens Exchange?
Refractive lens exchange offers significant advantages especially to people over 50 years of age with visual impairment. Refractive lens exchange is considered one of the best methods for people who cannot undergo surgery with methods such as LASIK or PRK. With this method, visual impairment can also be eliminated in people with cataract development at the initial level. According to studies, lens change reduces the risk of developing cataracts in the future.
Since the implants used in refractive lens replacement are synthetic, cataract development does not occur. Another important advantage of refractive lens replacement is that there is no risk of glare or moire. Since the eye's own lens is changed during the procedure, the problem of near and far vision is eliminated at once. Refractive lens replacement can also be safely performed in patients with glaucoma, provided that advanced vision loss has not occurred.
How are Refractive Lenses Changed?
The patient's required lens is identified before the lens is changed. The three types of smart lenses used in refractive lens replacements are monofocal, multifocal, and trifocal lenses.
When choosing a lens, consideration is given to the eye's physical structure as well as the patient's needs and lifestyle. No discomfort is experienced because anesthetic is used throughout the procedure. The technique requires a tiny corneal incision. After that, the natural lens is taken out and a synthetic lens is put in its place. The entire refractive lens exchange procedure lasts around ten minutes. Within a few days, the patients can return to their regular life without any difficulty. The length of recovery, however, may differ from person to person.
Patients no longer require the use of glasses or contact lenses thanks to refractive lens replacement. Monofocal lenses can focus at medium distances, but they cannot focus at very near or long distances. For actions which they will perform at very close distance to the eye, such as reading a book, individuals may need glasses.
On the other hand, multifocal lenses are multifunctional. Therefore, it is not necessary to wear glasses both for near and far eyesight. However, at a distance of between 40 cm - 2 meters, some people might experience clarity problems. Trifocal lenses, commonly referred to as smart lenses, have a feature that makes it incredibly comfortable for users to see at intermediate distances.
During the procedure, the lens is placed inside the eye. Therefore, there is no difference in sensation in the eye. In addition, since it has a natural appearance, it is not obvious when looked from the outside, like a contact lens. The lenses used in the refractive lens exchange process are synthetic. Therefore, it can be used for a lifetime without any problems. There is no subsequent deterioration. At the end of the recovery period, patients no longer feel any difference in their daily life. If there is still an eye disorder three months after the procedure, the problems can be completely eliminated with laser treatment.