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Chemical Peeling

The major causes of the skin becoming older, and having an unhealthier look over time includes environmental factors, aging, and sun damage. People tend to concentrate on doing their daily skin care rituals regularly however, seeking professional skin care on a regular basis is also essential. One of the most efficient medical aesthetic procedures that may be used to revitalize and renew the skin is chemical peeling. It must be carried out by qualified specialists in order to be done safely and successfully.

The application's basic principle is the use of chemical agents in accordance with the individual's demands, resulting in controlled irritation in the application area and starting a wound healing process that will begin the skin regeneration process. A healthy, youthful-looking skin comes from below as the skin is peeled.

What is Chemical Peeling?

The most important feature of the chemical peeling method, which is applied in order to eliminate fine wrinkles, skin spots, scars and similar problems that occur on the skin due to various reasons over time, and to achieve a more vibrant and healthy skin appearance, the most important feature of the chemical peeling method is that it is planned individually and as a result, the skin can be peeled in a controlled manner.

Chemical peeling can be applied to the neck and hands as well as the facial area. The main purpose of the method is to improve the general appearance of the skin, reduce skin defects and increase skin elasticity by starting the wound healing process.

How is Chemical Peeling Applied?

The fact that the chemical peeling solution is personalized to each patient's needs is one of its most significant features. In this way, the individual can get the most reliable and successful results. A cream is applied to the lip region, the borders of the nose and eyes, and the application area is cleansed before treatment. For safe application, cotton is placed over the eyes and ears. The solution customized for the individual is used. However, the initial application should be minimal, and it should be examined to see if there is any skin reaction. The applied chemical agents are kept on the skin surface for a certain period of time and cleaned deeply and the procedure is completed by applying a moisturizer to the skin.

Depending on some factors such as the skin type and tolerance of the person, chemical peeling can be repeated at certain intervals. Analyzing the patient's needs correctly and determining the skin sensitivity are very important for the success of the chemical peeling application. If the chemical agents to be used in the chemical peeling method are not determined in accordance with the needs of the patient, it is not possible to obtain the desired results from the application.

Who is Chemical Peeling for?

Chemical peeling;

  • Fine wrinkles due to aging,
  • Age spots on the skin,
  • Skin spots caused by different reasons,
  • It can be applied to eliminate irregularities in skin tone and to have a more vibrant and healthy skin.

Although chemical peeling is a procedure that can be applied to both women and men, it should be given by specialists on a patient-specific basis, as a result of the evaluations made on the suitability for the application.

Chemical peeling is not possible if there are open wounds on the skin, if the patient has recently received radiotherapy, if she is pregnant, if there is deep sunburn on the skin, if the patient has acne treatment or if she has had it recently.

Aftercare for Chemical Peeling

After the application of chemical peeling, a significant increase in skin sensitivity is achieved. The skin, which starts to peel off within 24 to 48 hours after the chemical peeling application, will begin to renew itself in an average of 10 days. Due to the risk of adverse effects on the healing process of the skin in the early period following the application, if smoking should be interrupted. In order to minimize the irritation on the skin and to ensure that the skin is nourished as it needs, skin moisturizing care should be done regularly. After the chemical peeling method, exposure to sunlight should be avoided and sunscreen creams should be applied carefully while going out.

Skin sensitivity significantly increases with the use of chemical peeling. After the chemical peeling treatment, the skin begins to peel off within 24 to 48 hours and will start to renew in 10 days on average. Smoking should be stopped if possible given the possibility of negative effects on the skin's healing process in the period following of the application. Regular skin moisturizing care is necessary to keep the skin from being irritated and to make sure it receives the nourishment it requires. Sunlight exposure should be avoided after the chemical peeling procedure, and sunscreen lotions should be properly applied before leaving the house.

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