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Teeth Whitening

Although it is the dream of every man and woman to get attention with healthy and white teeth while smiling or talking, it is not always possible to have the desired whiteness of the teeth. While some people's teeth are more yellowish in color from birth, the teeth of some people may change color depending on various factors such as excessive consumption of foods and beverages that may cause discoloration, and disruption of oral and dental care.

Regular tooth brushing might not be sufficient to stop teeth from turning yellow. As a result, the person may experience a lack of confidence as well as an unattractive appearance. The teeth whitening application, which comes into play at this stage, is an effective aesthetic dentistry procedure that can be preferred for removing discoloration and staining on the teeth.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening, also known as Bleaching or Teeth Whitening, is the process applied to remove the discoloration of the enamel and dentin layer of the tooth due to various reasons and to bleach the tooth colors according to the previous tones. Although the darkening of the natural color of the teeth over time can be removed with tartar cleaning and polishing applications, teeth whitening procedures can be applied when these applications do not give effective results or when the teeth are desired to look a few shades lighter than their natural color.

What Process Is Used to Whiten Teeth?

There are two main ways to whiten teeth: in-office whitening and at-home whitening. Following the assessment, the dentist decides which teeth-whitening technique will be used on the patient.

In the process used in dental clinics, calculus cleansing comes first. Teeth whitening gel is used to the surface of the teeth after a protective substance is applied to avoid harm to the gums and other soft tissues in the mouth. The gel that has been applied is activated using a laser or other types of light. After the teeth whitening gel has been applied for a predetermined amount of time, the teeth are cleaned, and the results are checked. If necessary, teeth whitening sessions are continued.

Although the home-type teeth whitening method is planned by the dentist and carried out under the control of the dentist, the application is done by the patient themselves in the home environment. The dentist takes the patient's mouth measurements and special teeth whitening plates are prepared for the person. The dentist gives the tooth whitening gel to the patient and informs the patient about the amount to be used.

How long the application will continue is determined by the degree of discoloration of the patient's teeth, its causes, needs and the desired result. The patient puts the tooth whitening gel in the teeth whitening plates for the period specified by the dentist and puts it on their teeth. The patient should not use the teeth whitening gel more than the dentist specified. Otherwise, the teeth whitening gel overflowing from the teeth whitening plates may cause irritation to the gums.

Who Can Benefit from Teeth Whitening?

Almost everyone can benefit from teeth whitening, with the exception of those who suffer from conditions including gingival recession, severe enamel cracks, periodontitis, and tooth abscess. However, dentists decide whether a patient is a good candidate for the teeth-whitening procedure.

Observations Following Teeth Whitening

After teeth whitening, there can be a brief hot-cold sensitivity on the teeth. Food and drink consumption should be restricted for one week following teeth whitening in order to ensure that the application is effective and that the benefits are long-lasting. In order to guarantee the durability of the outcomes, oral and dental care routines should be fully followed, teeth should be brushed after meals if possible, mouth should be rinsed with water, foods and drinks that could stain teeth should be avoided, and regular dentist check ups shouldn't be missed.

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